Tools We Use: Technology / Risk Assessment
Any change in an organization or system has inherent risks associated with it. We use our extensive experience with changing processes, organizational design, and systems engineering to evaluate the short, medium, and long-term risks of the change from multiple viewpoints.
“Value-based Structures: Centralization and Decentralization”, NIH-Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities Workshop on Enhancing Efficiency of Research Core Facilities, St Louis, MO
Other Work Related to Technology / Risk Assessment
1. Perry D, Sperling R, Katz R, Berry, Dilts DM, Hanna D., … & Bens C. (2015). Building a roadmap for developing combination therapies for Alzheimer’s disease. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 15(3), 327-333. PMID: 25708309
2. Denicoff AM (plus 28 others), (2013) “The NCI-ASCO Cancer Trial Accrual Symposium: Summary and Recommendations,” J of Oncology Practice 9(6): 267-76. PMID:24130252
3. Dilts DM and Sandler AB, (2006) “The “Invisible” Barriers to Clinical Trials: The impact of Structural, Infrastructural, and Procedural Barriers to Opening Oncology Clinical Trials,” J Clin Oncol, 24(28): 4545-52. PMID: 17008693
4. Dilts DM, Sandler AB, Baker M, Cheng S, George SL, Karas KS, McGuire S, Menon G, Reusch J, Sawyer D, Scoggins M, Wu A, Zhou K, Schilsky RL (2006) “Processes to Activate Phase III Clinical Trials in a Cooperative Oncology Group: The Case of the Cancer Leukemia Group B (CALGB), J Clin Oncol, 24(28): 4553-57. PMID: 17008694
5. Zhang Yong and Dilts DM, (2004) “System Dynamics of Supply Chain Network Organization Structure,” Information Systems and e-Business Management: Special Issue on Supply Chain Management, 2:187-206.
6. Khamalah J and Dilts DM (2001) “Determining Resource Needs for Specialty Ambulatory Clinics using Classification/Assignment Methods,” Int J of Operations and Quantitative Management, 7(4): 241-256.
7. Dilts DM (2001) “Functional Manager’s Perceptions of Performance Measurements: The Impact of Industry and Firm Level Characteristics,” Int J of Agile Manufacturing, 4(1): 17-28.
8. Khamalah J, Dilts DM, and Plotkin AD, (1995) “Using Cluster Analysis For Medical Resource Decision Making,” Medical Decision Making, 15(4, Oct-Dec): 333-347. PMID: 8544677
9. Dilts DM, Boyd N, and Whorms H, (1991) “The Evolution of Control Architectures for Automated Manufacturing Systems,” J of Manufacturing Systems, 10(1): 79-93.
10. Yee, D, (34 others) (2012) “Adaptive trials in the Neoadjuvant Setting: A Model to Safely Tailor Care While Accelerating Drug Development,” J of Clin Onc, Letter, Dec 20; 30(36): 4584-6. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2012.44.1022
11. Belser, Duncan, Aronsky, Dominik, Dilts DM and Ferreira J (2004) “Developing an Emergency Department Information System: A Case History,” in Transforming Health Care Through Information: Case Studies, Second Edition, editors: NM Lorenzi, J Ash, J. Einbinder, W. McPhee, and L. Einbinder, New York: Springer-Verlag.
12. Adamson, I. and Dilts DM, (2001) “Measurement of Accounting System Complexity at the Design Level”, Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting,.
13. Dilts DM and Chuang, R. (1998) “Health Care at a Distance: Impact on Service Quality Perceptions,” Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting,.
14. Khamalah, J, and Dilts DM, (1994) “Service Industry Robotics: Examples in Health Care,” Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting,, pp. 1904-1906.
15. Dilts DM and Russell, GW (1989) “Measuring External Failure: Accounting for the Four Costs of External Failure,” Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Quality Congress, American Society for Quality Control, pp. 317-322.
16. Parker C, Millar JL, Dilts DM, Jefford M, Wolfe R, Snyder R (2015) “A randomized control trial (RCT) to improve enrolment to cancer clinical trials” J Clin Oncol 33:15s (suppl; abstr: 6514).
17. Massett, HA, Jaeckle, KA, Dilts DM, Denicoff, A, Souhan, E, Hopkins JR, Singh Mann, B, (2013) “Rapid online feedback to improve clinical trial accrual: CODEL anaplastic glioma (AG) (NCCTG/Alliance N0577) as a model”, J Clin Oncol 31:15s (suppl; abstr 1596).
18. Lopez-Chavez A, Thomas A, Rajan A, Steinberg SM, Dilts DM, Doyle A, Giaccone G (2013) “CUSTOM (Molecular Profiling and Targeted Therapy for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Thymic Malignancies trial): A radical redesign of clinical trial structure–Use of mass customization and product postponement.” J Clin Oncol 30:15s (suppl; abstr 6524).
19. Hirsch BR, Califf RM, Cheng SK, Tasneem A, Chiswell K, Horton JR, Schulman KA, Dilts DM, Abernethy AP (2012) “The State of the Oncology Clinical Trials Portfolio: Insights from”, Society of Clinical Trials Meeting (May).
20. Dilts DM, Peters, C, Stadum, S, Cheng, SK, “Where you stand depends upon where you sit: Alignment of quality measures to strategic intentions,” ASCO’s Quality Care Symposium, 2012.
21. Kethert KH, Cheng SK, Nauman DJ, Dilts DM, Sandler AB, Chui SY (2011) “Implementation of a prospective screening tool for breast cancer clinical trial eligibility at an NCI designated cancer center,” J Clin Oncol 29:15s (suppl; abstr 6052)
22. Massett H, Parreco LK, Padberg RM, Richmond E, Dilts DM (2011) “AccrualNet: a novel approach to addressing clinical trial accruals through a knowledge-based, community of practice platform,” J Clin Oncol 29 (suppl; abstr e16621)
23. Dilts DM, Cheng SK, Wiltrout RH, Dahut WL, Bronez M, Helman LJ (2011) “Strategic alignment of clinical trials at the National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research: Development of the clinical mission and baseline portfolio metrics,” J Clin Oncol 29 (suppl; abstr e16619)
24. Stahl DC, Cheng SK, Lee E, Dilts DM (2011) “Benchmarking of oncology clinical trial metrics across AACI member centers,” J Clin Oncol 29 (suppl; abstr e16613)
25. King A, Earnest J, Lembach J, Lycette J, Kelleher C, Dilts DM (2010) “Axis Definitions for CTSA Portfolio Analysis ,” National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), Evaluation Key Function Meeting, Bethesda MD (Dec)
26. King A, Earnest J, Lembach J, Lycette J, Kelleher C, Dilts DM (2010) “Evaluation Key Function Committee December 2010 Meeting,” National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), Evaluation Key Function Meeting, Bethesda MD (Dec)
27. Cheng S, Dietrich, M, Finnigan S, Dilts DM (2010) “Early indicators of accrual success: Time-to-first-patient and accrual performance at an anticipated enrollment milestone-A study of NCI-CTEP-sponsored clinical trials” J Clin Oncol 28:15s (suppl; abstr 6001)
28. Dilts DM, Massett H (2010) Impact of trial development time on accruals at CCOPs: The case of the MARVEL trial”. American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, IL. (Abstract #e16505)
29. Cheng S, Dietrich, M, Finnigan S, Sandler A, Crites J, Ferranti L, Wu A, Dilts DM (2009) “A Sense of Urgency: evaluating the link between clinical trial development time and the accrual performance of CTEP-sponsored studies,” J Clin Oncol 27:15s (suppl; abstr 6509)
30. Dilts DM, Sandler AB, Cheng S, Crites J, Ferranti L, and Wu A (2008), “Are Cancer Clinical Trials in the USA Going the Way of Oldsmobile?,” Production and Operations Management Society 2008.
31. Dilts DM and Pence, Ken (2007) “The Decision to Fail: An Exploratory Study of Terminated Technical Projects,” Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia PA, best paper competition presentation for the Journal of Operations Management
32. Johnson, Joshua H and Dilts DM (2006) “Acquire and Forget: The conflict of information acquisition and organizational memory in the development of radical innovations,” AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference.
33. Dilts DM (2006) “Applications of OM Techniques in Improving Drug Clinical Trials,” Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Shanghai, China, June.
34. Dilts DM (2006) “Applications of OM techniques in Improving the Delivery of Healthcare” (Panel presentation) Production and Operations Management Society, Boston, April.
35. Dilts DM (2005) “Practice Variation: The Achilles’ Heel in Quality Cancer Care,” Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23:17(Sept 1): 5881-2 (invited) PMID: 16087953
36. Dilts DM, Elaine Chen Wang, and Barbara Murphy (2005) “Patient Obtained Medical Information used by cancer patients and their companions,” J Clin Oncol 23:16s (suppl; abstr 6056).
37. Flores, Ann Marie, Dilts DM, and Murphy, Barbara (2004) “Disparities and Unmet Needs for E-Mail Use in Cancer Patients,” J Clin Oncol 22:16s (suppl; abstr 8254).
38. Inukai, Tsuyshi and Dilts DM (2004) “The Impact of Technological Innovation Type on Strategic Alliances for New Product Development,” Academy of Management National Conference.
39. Dilts DM and Chuang, R. JW. (1997) “Perceptions of Service Quality in Telemedicine” Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
40. (2015) “Observations on Clinical Research: Some Ideas for NHLBAC”, National Heart, Lung Blood Advisory Council, NIH,(June).
41. (2015) “Going Beyond the Norm: Some Ideas for the British Columbia Cancer Agency” British Columbia Cancer Agency Retreat, Vancouver, BC(May)
42. (2015) “Value-based Structures: Centralization and Decentralization”, NIH-Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities Workshop on Enhancing Efficiency of Research Core Facilities, St Louis, MO(Mar)
43. (2014) “The Future of Clinical Research”, Clinical Trials Advisory Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, Sydney, AUS(Nov)
44. (2014) “Understanding the linkages among mission, processes and metrics in running a core”, Keynote address, Midwest & Southeast Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities 2014 Annual Meeting, Nashville TN(Oct).
45. (2014) “The Promise and Perils in Clinical Trials,” Monash University, Melbourne, Australia(August, presented twice)
46. (2014) “The Importance of Doing Trials Right While doing the Right Trials,” Ministry of Health, NSW, Australia(August)
47. (2014) “Overcoming the Barriers of Transparency in Clinical Trial Data Access,” ASCO National Meeting, Chicago IL(June)
48. (2014) “Integration Metrics: Linking Mission, Science, Resources and Education,” NICHD Division of Intramural Research, Scientific Retreat, Bethesda, MD(Feb).
49. (2013) “Cooperative Groups, Version 3.0”, Palliative Care Research Consortium meeting, Chicago, IL(Sept).
50. (2013) “Consortium or not to Consortium”, ACT-AD National Meeting on Alzheimer’s Research, Washington, DC(May)
51. (2013) “A Model for Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Clinical Research,” Medical Executive Committee, NIH, Bethesda MD(May).
52. (2013) “Process Improvement: Linking Improvement to Strategy,” Oregon Health Financial Manager’s Association, Portland, OR(Feb)
53. (2012) “Precompetitive Collaboration & Coopetition: Lessons Learned from History and Other Industries,” ACT-AD annual meeting, Bethesda MD(Nov)
54. (2012) Improving the public intervace for use of aggregate data in
55. (2011) “Management Principles in Healthcare” Southern Health, Melbourne AUS(Nov) and The Albert Hospital System, Melbourne AUS(Nov)
56. (2011) “Multi-disciplinary, Useful research” Melbourne Operations Management Society(MOMS)(Nov)
57. (2011) “Precompetitive Collaboration: Lessons from History and Other Industries,” UCSF Accelerating Targeted Cancer Drug-Biomarker Development Conference, San Francisco CA(May)
58. (2011) “Mis-Measurement of Quality in IRBs: Thoughts from Other Industries,” 13th annual Subject Protection conference, Schulman Group, Cincinnati Children’s and the University of Kentucky, Cincinnati, OH(Sept).
59. (2010) “Beyond Efficiency: A Strategic Approach to Clinical Research,” Keynote address, 10th Annual Oncore Users Group Madison, WI(Aug)
60. (2010) “The Science of Trial Selection, Infrastructure, and Operations,” NCI-ASCO Symposium on Accruals, Chicago IL(Apr)
61. (2009) “The Need for Operations Management in Healthcare: The Case of Oncology Clinical Trials,” Distinguished Lecture, Supply Chain Management Area, Sir Wilfrid Laurier University(Dec)
62. (2008) “Building Networks: Observations from Oncology and Non-Medical Industries”, keynote address for the NHLBI Workshop on Sickle Cell Disease. Washington, DC(Oct)
2. Denicoff AM (plus 28 others), (2013) “The NCI-ASCO Cancer Trial Accrual Symposium: Summary and Recommendations,” J of Oncology Practice 9(6): 267-76. PMID:24130252
3. Dilts DM and Sandler AB, (2006) “The “Invisible” Barriers to Clinical Trials: The impact of Structural, Infrastructural, and Procedural Barriers to Opening Oncology Clinical Trials,” J Clin Oncol, 24(28): 4545-52. PMID: 17008693
4. Dilts DM, Sandler AB, Baker M, Cheng S, George SL, Karas KS, McGuire S, Menon G, Reusch J, Sawyer D, Scoggins M, Wu A, Zhou K, Schilsky RL (2006) “Processes to Activate Phase III Clinical Trials in a Cooperative Oncology Group: The Case of the Cancer Leukemia Group B (CALGB), J Clin Oncol, 24(28): 4553-57. PMID: 17008694
5. Zhang Yong and Dilts DM, (2004) “System Dynamics of Supply Chain Network Organization Structure,” Information Systems and e-Business Management: Special Issue on Supply Chain Management, 2:187-206.
6. Khamalah J and Dilts DM (2001) “Determining Resource Needs for Specialty Ambulatory Clinics using Classification/Assignment Methods,” Int J of Operations and Quantitative Management, 7(4): 241-256.
7. Dilts DM (2001) “Functional Manager’s Perceptions of Performance Measurements: The Impact of Industry and Firm Level Characteristics,” Int J of Agile Manufacturing, 4(1): 17-28.
8. Khamalah J, Dilts DM, and Plotkin AD, (1995) “Using Cluster Analysis For Medical Resource Decision Making,” Medical Decision Making, 15(4, Oct-Dec): 333-347. PMID: 8544677
9. Dilts DM, Boyd N, and Whorms H, (1991) “The Evolution of Control Architectures for Automated Manufacturing Systems,” J of Manufacturing Systems, 10(1): 79-93.
10. Yee, D, (34 others) (2012) “Adaptive trials in the Neoadjuvant Setting: A Model to Safely Tailor Care While Accelerating Drug Development,” J of Clin Onc, Letter, Dec 20; 30(36): 4584-6. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2012.44.1022
11. Belser, Duncan, Aronsky, Dominik, Dilts DM and Ferreira J (2004) “Developing an Emergency Department Information System: A Case History,” in Transforming Health Care Through Information: Case Studies, Second Edition, editors: NM Lorenzi, J Ash, J. Einbinder, W. McPhee, and L. Einbinder, New York: Springer-Verlag.
12. Adamson, I. and Dilts DM, (2001) “Measurement of Accounting System Complexity at the Design Level”, Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting,.
13. Dilts DM and Chuang, R. (1998) “Health Care at a Distance: Impact on Service Quality Perceptions,” Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting,.
14. Khamalah, J, and Dilts DM, (1994) “Service Industry Robotics: Examples in Health Care,” Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting,, pp. 1904-1906.
15. Dilts DM and Russell, GW (1989) “Measuring External Failure: Accounting for the Four Costs of External Failure,” Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Quality Congress, American Society for Quality Control, pp. 317-322.
16. Parker C, Millar JL, Dilts DM, Jefford M, Wolfe R, Snyder R (2015) “A randomized control trial (RCT) to improve enrolment to cancer clinical trials” J Clin Oncol 33:15s (suppl; abstr: 6514).
17. Massett, HA, Jaeckle, KA, Dilts DM, Denicoff, A, Souhan, E, Hopkins JR, Singh Mann, B, (2013) “Rapid online feedback to improve clinical trial accrual: CODEL anaplastic glioma (AG) (NCCTG/Alliance N0577) as a model”, J Clin Oncol 31:15s (suppl; abstr 1596).
18. Lopez-Chavez A, Thomas A, Rajan A, Steinberg SM, Dilts DM, Doyle A, Giaccone G (2013) “CUSTOM (Molecular Profiling and Targeted Therapy for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Thymic Malignancies trial): A radical redesign of clinical trial structure–Use of mass customization and product postponement.” J Clin Oncol 30:15s (suppl; abstr 6524).
19. Hirsch BR, Califf RM, Cheng SK, Tasneem A, Chiswell K, Horton JR, Schulman KA, Dilts DM, Abernethy AP (2012) “The State of the Oncology Clinical Trials Portfolio: Insights from”, Society of Clinical Trials Meeting (May).
20. Dilts DM, Peters, C, Stadum, S, Cheng, SK, “Where you stand depends upon where you sit: Alignment of quality measures to strategic intentions,” ASCO’s Quality Care Symposium, 2012.
21. Kethert KH, Cheng SK, Nauman DJ, Dilts DM, Sandler AB, Chui SY (2011) “Implementation of a prospective screening tool for breast cancer clinical trial eligibility at an NCI designated cancer center,” J Clin Oncol 29:15s (suppl; abstr 6052)
22. Massett H, Parreco LK, Padberg RM, Richmond E, Dilts DM (2011) “AccrualNet: a novel approach to addressing clinical trial accruals through a knowledge-based, community of practice platform,” J Clin Oncol 29 (suppl; abstr e16621)
23. Dilts DM, Cheng SK, Wiltrout RH, Dahut WL, Bronez M, Helman LJ (2011) “Strategic alignment of clinical trials at the National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research: Development of the clinical mission and baseline portfolio metrics,” J Clin Oncol 29 (suppl; abstr e16619)
24. Stahl DC, Cheng SK, Lee E, Dilts DM (2011) “Benchmarking of oncology clinical trial metrics across AACI member centers,” J Clin Oncol 29 (suppl; abstr e16613)
25. King A, Earnest J, Lembach J, Lycette J, Kelleher C, Dilts DM (2010) “Axis Definitions for CTSA Portfolio Analysis ,” National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), Evaluation Key Function Meeting, Bethesda MD (Dec)
26. King A, Earnest J, Lembach J, Lycette J, Kelleher C, Dilts DM (2010) “Evaluation Key Function Committee December 2010 Meeting,” National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), Evaluation Key Function Meeting, Bethesda MD (Dec)
27. Cheng S, Dietrich, M, Finnigan S, Dilts DM (2010) “Early indicators of accrual success: Time-to-first-patient and accrual performance at an anticipated enrollment milestone-A study of NCI-CTEP-sponsored clinical trials” J Clin Oncol 28:15s (suppl; abstr 6001)
28. Dilts DM, Massett H (2010) Impact of trial development time on accruals at CCOPs: The case of the MARVEL trial”. American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, IL. (Abstract #e16505)
29. Cheng S, Dietrich, M, Finnigan S, Sandler A, Crites J, Ferranti L, Wu A, Dilts DM (2009) “A Sense of Urgency: evaluating the link between clinical trial development time and the accrual performance of CTEP-sponsored studies,” J Clin Oncol 27:15s (suppl; abstr 6509)
30. Dilts DM, Sandler AB, Cheng S, Crites J, Ferranti L, and Wu A (2008), “Are Cancer Clinical Trials in the USA Going the Way of Oldsmobile?,” Production and Operations Management Society 2008.
31. Dilts DM and Pence, Ken (2007) “The Decision to Fail: An Exploratory Study of Terminated Technical Projects,” Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia PA, best paper competition presentation for the Journal of Operations Management
32. Johnson, Joshua H and Dilts DM (2006) “Acquire and Forget: The conflict of information acquisition and organizational memory in the development of radical innovations,” AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference.
33. Dilts DM (2006) “Applications of OM Techniques in Improving Drug Clinical Trials,” Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Shanghai, China, June.
34. Dilts DM (2006) “Applications of OM techniques in Improving the Delivery of Healthcare” (Panel presentation) Production and Operations Management Society, Boston, April.
35. Dilts DM (2005) “Practice Variation: The Achilles’ Heel in Quality Cancer Care,” Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23:17(Sept 1): 5881-2 (invited) PMID: 16087953
36. Dilts DM, Elaine Chen Wang, and Barbara Murphy (2005) “Patient Obtained Medical Information used by cancer patients and their companions,” J Clin Oncol 23:16s (suppl; abstr 6056).
37. Flores, Ann Marie, Dilts DM, and Murphy, Barbara (2004) “Disparities and Unmet Needs for E-Mail Use in Cancer Patients,” J Clin Oncol 22:16s (suppl; abstr 8254).
38. Inukai, Tsuyshi and Dilts DM (2004) “The Impact of Technological Innovation Type on Strategic Alliances for New Product Development,” Academy of Management National Conference.
39. Dilts DM and Chuang, R. JW. (1997) “Perceptions of Service Quality in Telemedicine” Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
40. (2015) “Observations on Clinical Research: Some Ideas for NHLBAC”, National Heart, Lung Blood Advisory Council, NIH,(June).
41. (2015) “Going Beyond the Norm: Some Ideas for the British Columbia Cancer Agency” British Columbia Cancer Agency Retreat, Vancouver, BC(May)
42. (2015) “Value-based Structures: Centralization and Decentralization”, NIH-Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities Workshop on Enhancing Efficiency of Research Core Facilities, St Louis, MO(Mar)
43. (2014) “The Future of Clinical Research”, Clinical Trials Advisory Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, Sydney, AUS(Nov)
44. (2014) “Understanding the linkages among mission, processes and metrics in running a core”, Keynote address, Midwest & Southeast Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities 2014 Annual Meeting, Nashville TN(Oct).
45. (2014) “The Promise and Perils in Clinical Trials,” Monash University, Melbourne, Australia(August, presented twice)
46. (2014) “The Importance of Doing Trials Right While doing the Right Trials,” Ministry of Health, NSW, Australia(August)
47. (2014) “Overcoming the Barriers of Transparency in Clinical Trial Data Access,” ASCO National Meeting, Chicago IL(June)
48. (2014) “Integration Metrics: Linking Mission, Science, Resources and Education,” NICHD Division of Intramural Research, Scientific Retreat, Bethesda, MD(Feb).
49. (2013) “Cooperative Groups, Version 3.0”, Palliative Care Research Consortium meeting, Chicago, IL(Sept).
50. (2013) “Consortium or not to Consortium”, ACT-AD National Meeting on Alzheimer’s Research, Washington, DC(May)
51. (2013) “A Model for Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Clinical Research,” Medical Executive Committee, NIH, Bethesda MD(May).
52. (2013) “Process Improvement: Linking Improvement to Strategy,” Oregon Health Financial Manager’s Association, Portland, OR(Feb)
53. (2012) “Precompetitive Collaboration & Coopetition: Lessons Learned from History and Other Industries,” ACT-AD annual meeting, Bethesda MD(Nov)
54. (2012) Improving the public intervace for use of aggregate data in
55. (2011) “Management Principles in Healthcare” Southern Health, Melbourne AUS(Nov) and The Albert Hospital System, Melbourne AUS(Nov)
56. (2011) “Multi-disciplinary, Useful research” Melbourne Operations Management Society(MOMS)(Nov)
57. (2011) “Precompetitive Collaboration: Lessons from History and Other Industries,” UCSF Accelerating Targeted Cancer Drug-Biomarker Development Conference, San Francisco CA(May)
58. (2011) “Mis-Measurement of Quality in IRBs: Thoughts from Other Industries,” 13th annual Subject Protection conference, Schulman Group, Cincinnati Children’s and the University of Kentucky, Cincinnati, OH(Sept).
59. (2010) “Beyond Efficiency: A Strategic Approach to Clinical Research,” Keynote address, 10th Annual Oncore Users Group Madison, WI(Aug)
60. (2010) “The Science of Trial Selection, Infrastructure, and Operations,” NCI-ASCO Symposium on Accruals, Chicago IL(Apr)
61. (2009) “The Need for Operations Management in Healthcare: The Case of Oncology Clinical Trials,” Distinguished Lecture, Supply Chain Management Area, Sir Wilfrid Laurier University(Dec)
62. (2008) “Building Networks: Observations from Oncology and Non-Medical Industries”, keynote address for the NHLBI Workshop on Sickle Cell Disease. Washington, DC(Oct)