Feature Publications

To assure that our work is of the highest quality, we subject it to peer review so that we can become a learning organization which is always striving to be better

A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Additional Funding Intervention to Improve Clinical Trial Enrollment

Time Has Come to Raise the Bar in Oncology Clinical Trials

A Novel Approach to Measuring Efficiency of Scientific Research Projects: Data Envelopment Analysis

Quality Assessment of Tumor Size Data Collection for Pancreatic and Breast Cancer in SEER

Complete List of Publications

Accrual Science

2011    National Institutes of Health (NIH) Award of Merit “In recognition of the NCI team that developed AccrualNet a web-based resource to support and address the challenges of low accrual to NIH clinical trials”

  1. Parker C, Snyder R, Jefford M, Dilts DM, Wolfe R, Millar J (2017) “A Randomized Control Trial of an Additional Funding Intervention to Improve Clinical Trial Enrollment”, J of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (JNCCN),15(9): 1104-1110. PMID: 28874595
  2. Massett, H, Dilts DM, Bailey R, Berktold J, Ledsky R, Atkinson (2017) “Raising Public Awareness of Clinical Trials: Development of Messages for a National Health Communication Campaign,” ˆJ of Health Communications 22(5):373-385. PMID:28339327
  3. Hirsh BR, Califf RM, Cheng SK, Tasneem A, Horton J, Chriswell K, Schulman KA, Dilts DM, and Abernethy AP (2013) “Design of Oncology Clinical Trials: Insights from a Systematic Analysis of,” JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(11):972-979. PMID:23699837.
  4. Massett H, Parreco LK, Padberg RM, Richmond ES, Rienzo, ME, Ryan Leonard CE, Quesenbery W, Killam HW, Johnson, and Dilts DM (2011) “AccrualNet: Addressing low accrual via a knowledge-based, community
  5. Kitterman, D, Cheng, S, Dilts DM, and Orwoll, ES, (2011) “The Prevalence and Economic Impact of Low Enrolling Clinical Studies at an Academic Medical Center,” Academic Medicine 86(11): 1360-66. PMID:21952064
  6. Cheng S, Dietrich M, Dilts DM (2011) “Predicting Accrual Achievement: Monitoring Accrual Milestones of NCI-CTEP Sponsored Clinical Trials,” Clin Cancer Res. 17: 1947-55. PMID:21447723
  7. Dilts DM, Cheng S, Crites JS, Sander AB, Doroshow J, (2010) “Phase III Clinical Trial Development: A Process of Chutes & Ladders,” Clin Cancer Res. 16(22): 5381-89. PMID:21062928
  8. Cheng S, Dietrich M, Dilts DM (2010) “A Sense of Urgency: Evaluating the Link Between Clinical Trial Development Time and the Accrual Performance of CTEP-Sponsored Studies,” Clin Cancer Res, 16(22): 5557-63. PMID:21062929
  9. Dilts DM, Sander AB, Cheng S, Crites J, Ferranti L, Wu, A, Finnigan S., Friedman S, Mooney M, Abrams J, (2009) “The Steps and Time to Process Phase III Clinical Trials at the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program,” J of Clin Oncol, 27(11): 1761-6. PMID: 19255315
  10. Dilts DM, Sandler AB, Cheng S, Crites J, Ferranti L, Wu A, Gray R, MacDonald J, Marinucci D, Comis R. (2008) “Development of Clinical Trials in a Cooperative Group Setting: The Eastern Cooperative Group,” Clin Cancer Res, 14(11):3427-33. PMID: 18519773
  11. Dilts DM and Sandler AB, (2006) “The “Invisible” Barriers to Clinical Trials: The impact of Structural, Infrastructural, and Procedural Barriers to Opening Oncology Clinical Trials,” J Clin Oncol, 24(28): 4545-52. PMID: 17008693
  12. Dilts DM, Sandler AB, Baker M, Cheng S, George SL, Karas KS, McGuire S, Menon G, Reusch J, Sawyer D, Scoggins M, Wu A, Zhou K, Schilsky RL (2006) “Processes to Activate Phase III Clinical Trials in a Cooperative Oncology Group: The Case of the Cancer Leukemia Group B (CALGB), J Clin Oncol, 24(28): 4553-57. PMID: 17008694
  13. Dilts DM (2012) “Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Financing Clinical Trial Follow-Up,” J Clin Onc, 30, PMID:22454422
  14. Dilts DM, Cheng SK (2012) “The Importance of Doing Trials Right While Doing The Right Trials,” Clin Cancer Res, 18(1):3-5. PMID:22072734
  15. Dilts DM, (2010) “US cancer trials may go the way of the Oldsmobile,” Nature Medicine 16(5):21. PMID:20526311
  16. Dilts DM, (2010) “An Early Warning: Ailing Canary in the Mine,” J Clin Onc, 28(24): 3799-800. PMID: 20644096
  17. Parker C, Millar JL, Dilts DM, Jefford M, Wolfe R, Snyder R (2015) “A randomized control trial (RCT) to improve enrolment to cancer clinical trials” J Clin Oncol 33:15s (suppl; abstr: 6514).
  18. Cheng SK, Hirsch BR, Califf RM, Tasneem A, Schulman KA, Abernethy AP, Dilts DM (2012) “Geographic and network analysis of oncology trials: Portfolio assessment of” J Clin Oncol 30:15s (suppl; abstr 6047).


  1. Perry D, Sperling R, Katz R, Berry, Dilts DM, Hanna D., … & Bens C. (2015). Building a roadmap for developing combination therapies for Alzheimer’s disease. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 15(3), 327-333. PMID: 25708309
  2. Dilts DM, Rosenblum D, and Trochim WM, (2012) “A Virtual National Laboratory for Re-Engineering Clinical and Translational Science,” Science Translational Medicine, 4(118) 118cm2. PMID:22277966.
  3. Cheney A, Pence K, and Dilts DM, (2014) “Organizational Impacts of Participation in Development of Industry-Level Technology Roadmaps,” 4th IAJC/ISAM Conference Proceedings, Sept, Orlando, FL.
  4. “Envisioning the Future: Roadmaps & Roadmapping” keynote address to Radiological Society of North America QIBA Roadmapping committee, Chicago IL (Mar)

Data quality

  1. Dilts D, Cheng S, Cronin K, Fearn P, Feuer E, Friedman S, Kosary C, Lam C, Mariotto A, Negoita S, Petkov V, Penberthy L (2017) “An Innovative Approach to Developing the SEER-Wide Quality Audit Plan,” North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR),
  2. Russell, GW and Dilts DM, (1990) “Accounting Systems for Quality,” CMA, 64(1, Feb.): 15
  3. Russell, GW and Dilts DM (1989) “The Quality Factor In Equipment Justification,” Plant Computerization, 1(2): 30 (invited)

Resource Efficiency and Effectiveness

  1. Dilts DM, Zell A, Orwoll E (2015) “A Novel Approach to Measuring Efficiency of Scientific Research Projects: Data Envelopment Analysis.” Clinical and Translational Science. 8(5):495-501. PMID:26243147
  2. Grazier KL, Trochim W, Dilts DM, Kirk R (2013) “Estimating Return on Investment in Translational Research: Methods and Protocols”, Evaluation & the Health Professions, 36(4):478-491. PMID: 23925706
  3. Dilts DM and Pence Ken (2006) “Impact of Role in The Decision to Fail: An Exploratory Study of Terminated Technical Projects,” J of Operations Management, 24(4): 378-396.
  4. Xie Bin, Dilts DM and Shor, M (2006) “The Physician-Patient Relationship: The Impact of Patient-Obtained Medical Information,” Health Econ, 15(8): 813-833. PMID: 16550612
  5. Dilts DM and Khamalah J (1999) “A comparison of ordinal analysis techniques in medical resource usage research,” Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. ( disc/sub/endm/store/disc2/ (invited), 2: 51-68
  6. Khamalah J, Dilts DM, and Plotkin AD, (1995) “Using Cluster Analysis For Medical Resource Decision Making,” Medical Decision Making, 15(4, Oct-Dec): 333-347. PMID: 8544677
  7. Dilts DM, Khamalah J, and Plotkin AD, (1994) “Clinical Low Vision Resource Usage Prediction,” Optometry & Vision Science, 71(7): 422-436. PMID: 7970557
  8. Belser, Duncan and Dilts DM (2004) “A Research-Based Approach to Investment Decisions in Healthcare Information Technology: The VCBH ROI Model,” DSI National Meeting (November).
  9. Dilts DM and Turowski, DG, (1989) “Incorporating Strategic Knowledge Within Investment Justification,” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Operations Management Association, pp. 37-46.

Research and Development

  1. Blajchman MA, Glynn SA, Josephson CD, Kleinman SH (2010) “Clinical Trial Opportunities in Transfusion Medicine: Proceedings of an NHLBI State of the Science Symposium,” role: contributor, Transfusion Medicine Reviews, 24(4): 259-85. PMID: 20851330
  2. Ferranti, L, Cheng S, and Dilts DM (2010) “On Baseball, Medical Decision Making and Innumeracy,” Chapter 18 in Decision Making Wiley, (editors: P Nutt and D Wilson).