Expertise: Theory-Driven Organizational Redesign

To facilitate improved organizational designs, we assist organizations in developing theory-grounded yet pragmatic solutions. We use such theories as Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety, Lewin’s Freeze Model and Kotter’s Models of Leading Change in-order to create novel solutions that fit with the unique organizational needs of our clients. Additionally, we use systems engineering concepts as AS-IS and TO-BE modeling to arrive at solutions.

Dilts DM, (2010) “US cancer trials may go the way of the Oldsmobile,” Nature Medicine 16(5):21. PMID:20526311

Dilts DM and Pence Ken (2006) “Impact of Role in The Decision to Fail: An Exploratory Study of Terminated Technical Projects,” J of Operations Management, 24(4): 378-396.

Hackett SM, and Dilts DM (2004) “A Real Options-Driven Theory of Business Incubation,” J of Technology Transfer, 29(1): 41-54. [Reprinted in “Recent Development in the Economics of Science and Innovation”, editor: A. N Link and C. Antonelli, 2013]

Other Work Related to Theory-Driven Organizational Redesign

1. Hirsh BR, Califf RM, Cheng SK, Tasneem A, Horton J, Chriswell K, Schulman KA, Dilts DM, and Abernethy AP (2013) “Design of Oncology Clinical Trials: Insights from a Systematic Analysis of,” JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(11):972-979. PMID:23699837.
2. Massett H, Parreco LK, Padberg RM, Richmond ES, Rienzo, ME, Ryan Leonard CE, Quesenbery W, Killam HW, Johnson, and Dilts DM (2011) “AccrualNet: Addressing low accrual via a knowledge-based, community of practice Platform,” J of Oncology Practice, 7(6): e32-e39. PMID:22379429.
3. Salomon RM, Urbano Blackford J, Rosenbloom ST, Seidel S, Wright Clayton E, Dilts DM, Finder SG (2010) “Openness of Patients’ Reporting with use of Electronic Records: Psychiatric Clinician’s Views,” J Am Med Inform Assoc, 17(1):54-60. PMID: 20064802
4. Dilts DM and Pence Ken (2006) “Impact of Role in The Decision to Fail: An Exploratory Study of Terminated Technical Projects,” J of Operations Management, 24(4): 378-396.
5. Xie Bin, Dilts DM and Shor, M (2006) “The Physician-Patient Relationship: The Impact of Patient-Obtained Medical Information,” Health Econ, 15(8): 813-833. PMID: 16550612
6. Hackett SM, and Dilts DM (2004) “A Real Options-Driven Theory of Business Incubation,” J of Technology Transfer, 29(1): 41-54. [Reprinted in “Recent Development in the Economics of Science and Innovation”, editor: A. N Link and C. Antonelli, 2013]
7. Dilts DM (2001) “Functional Manager’s Perceptions of Performance Measurements: The Impact of Industry and Firm Level Characteristics,” Int J of Agile Manufacturing, 4(1): 17-28.
8. Khamalah J, Dilts DM, and Plotkin AD, (1995) “Using Cluster Analysis For Medical Resource Decision Making,” Medical Decision Making, 15(4, Oct-Dec): 333-347. PMID: 8544677
9. Dilts DM, Khamalah J, and Plotkin AD, (1994) “Clinical Low Vision Resource Usage Prediction,” Optometry & Vision Science, 71(7): 422-436. PMID: 7970557
10. Dilts DM (1994) “Teaching Interfirm Relationships: The Supply Chain Game,” Operations Management Review, 10(3): 81-87. (invited)
11. Cheng S and Dilts DM (2013) “Building Expertise in The Translational Processes Through Partnerships with Schools of Business” book chapter in Translational Research in Biomedicine, Karger Publishing DOI: 10.1159/000343022
12. Dilts DM, (2010) “US cancer trials may go the way of the Oldsmobile,” Nature Medicine 16(5):21. PMID:20526311
13. Pathak, Surya, Dilts DM, and Biswas, Gautam, (2004) “Simulating Growth Dynamics in Complex Adaptive Supply Networks,” Winter Simulation Conference (December), pp: 774-782.
14. Dilts DM and Baik, Y (2003) “Impact of Decision Speed in the Control of an Extended Enterprise,” DSI National Meeting, (November).
15. Adamson, I. and Dilts DM, (2001) “Measurement of Accounting System Complexity at the Design Level”, Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting,.
16. Pidduck, Anne B. and Dilts DM. (1999) “Inter-Organizational Structures for Knowledge Sharing,” Proceedings of the ACM SIGCPR 99, pp. 135-137 ( cpr/299513/p135-pidduck/)
17. Pidduck, Anne B. and Dilts DM. (1999) “Inter-Organizational Structures for Strategic Advantage,” Information Resources Management Association.
18. Dilts DM (1999) “Evaluation of Tools for Use In Determining SME Readiness for Next Generation Manufacturing, Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters of Canada, 35 pages. (Technical Report)
19. Dilts DM (1998) “Survey of Executive Perspectives on Extended, Integrated Enterprises,” Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing – International Integrated Enterprise Technical Report, 13 pages.
20. Adamson, I. and Dilts DM, (1998) “A Hierarchy of Accounting System Complexity,” Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting,.
21. Dilts DM (1992) “Demonstrating Interfirm Relationships in the Classroom: The Supply Chain Game,” Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting, pp. 9-11.
22. Dilts DM and Wu, W, (1990) “An Intelligent Framework for the Integration of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Data Bases,” Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting, pp. 1702-1705.
23. Dilts DM and Lyth, DM, (1990) “A Longitudinal Study of Leading Edge Shop Floor Control Systems,” Proceedings of the DSI National Meeting, pp. 77-79.
24. Dilts DM and Turowski, DG, (1989) “Incorporating Strategic Knowledge Within Investment Justification,” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Operations Management Association, pp. 37-46.
25. Dilts DM and Turowski, DG, (1989) “Strategic Investment Justification of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Using a Knowledge-Based System,” 3rd Int. Conf. on Expert Systems & the Leading Edge in Production & Operations Management, pp. 192-206.
26. Dilts DM and Russell, GW (1989) “Measuring External Failure: Accounting for the Four Costs of External Failure,” Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Quality Congress, American Society for Quality Control, pp. 317-322.
27. Dilts DM and Wu, W, (1989) “Knowledge-Based Systems for Integrating Computer Integrated Manufacturing Data Bases,” Third International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production & Operations Management, pp. 255-268.
28. Dilts DM (1988) “Integration of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Data Bases Using Artificial Intelligence,” Second International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production & Operations Management, pp. 277-284.
29. Dilts DM and Rowland, RL, (1985) “Expert Systems for Capacity Management,” Proceedings of the American Institute of Decision Sciences, pp. 165‑167.
30. Massett, HA, Dilts, DM, +11 others (2016), “Will a national communication campaign to increase awareness of clinical trials work?” J Clin Oncol 34:15s (suppl; abstr: 6537)
31. Dilts DM, Cheng SK, Stover-Fiscalini A., Kennedy Thompson, C. Hogarth, M, Esserman L, (2014) “Barriers to creating the next-generation cancer registry”, J Clin Oncol 32:15s (suppl; abstr e17682).
32. Dilts DM and Pence, Ken (2007) “The Decision to Fail: An Exploratory Study of Terminated Technical Projects,” Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia PA, best paper competition presentation for the Journal of Operations Management
33. Hackett, Sean M and Dilts DM (2006) “Real options and the option to incubate: an exploratory study of the process of business incubation,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
34. Johnson, Joshua H and Dilts DM (2006) “Acquire and Forget: The conflict of information acquisition and organizational memory in the development of radical innovations,” AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference.
35. (2015) “Value-based Structures: Centralization and Decentralization”, NIH-Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities Workshop on Enhancing Efficiency of Research Core Facilities, St Louis, MO(Mar)
36. (2014) “The Future of Clinical Research”, Clinical Trials Advisory Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, Sydney, AUS(Nov)
37. (2014) “The Promise and Perils in Clinical Trials,” Monash University, Melbourne, Australia(August, presented twice)
38. (2013) “Prioritizing and Measuring Clinical Research,” NIH Clinical Research Subcommittee, Bethesda, MD(Sept).
39. (2013) “Cooperative Groups, Version 3.0”, Palliative Care Research Consortium meeting, Chicago, IL(Sept).
40. CCR Strategy Development
41. CCR Organizational Redesign
42. NICHD Intramural Program Organizational Redesing
43. COG Orgranizational Redesign