Expertise: Grounded Strategy Development

All successful organizations require strategic development and we use our expertise in combing the typical management strategic process with systems engineering expertise to develop holistic, grounded organizational strategies.

Menda, R, and Dilts DM, (1997) “The Manufacturing Strategy Formulation Process: Linking Multifunctional Viewpoints,” J of Operations Management, 15(4): 223-41.
Parker C, Snyder R, Jefford M, Dilts DM, Wolfe R, Millar J (2017) “A Randomized Control Trial of an Additional Funding Intervention to Improve Clinical Trial Enrollment”, J of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (JNCCN),15(9): 1104-1110. PMID: 28874595
Dilts DM, Boyd N, and Whorms H, (1991) “The Evolution of Control Architectures for Automated Manufacturing Systems,” J of Manufacturing Systems, 10(1): 79-93.

Other Work Related to Grounded Strategy Development

1. Parker C, Snyder R, Jefford M, Dilts DM, Wolfe R, Millar J (2017) “A Randomized Control Trial of an Additional Funding Intervention to Improve Clinical Trial Enrollment”, J of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (JNCCN),15(9): 1104-1110. PMID: 28874595
2. Massett, H, Dilts DM, Bailey R, Berktold J, Ledsky R, Atkinson (2017) “Raising Public Awareness of Clinical Trials: Development of Messages for a National Health Communication Campaign,” ˆJ of Health Communications 22(5):373-385. PMID:28339327
3. Perry D, Sperling R, Katz R, Berry, Dilts DM, Hanna D., … & Bens C. (2015). Building a roadmap for developing combination therapies for Alzheimer’s disease. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 15(3), 327-333. PMID: 25708309
4. Stephenson D, (plus 14 others) (2015) Charting a path toward combination therapy for Alzheimer’s disease,” Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 15(1):107-13. PMID: 25540951
5. Hirsh BR, Califf RM, Cheng SK, Tasneem A, Horton J, Chriswell K, Schulman KA, Dilts DM, and Abernethy AP (2013) “Design of Oncology Clinical Trials: Insights from a Systematic Analysis of,” JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(11):972-979. PMID:23699837.
6. Dilts DM, Rosenblum D, and Trochim WM, (2012) “A Virtual National Laboratory for Re-Engineering Clinical and Translational Science,” Science Translational Medicine, 4(118) 118cm2. PMID:22277966.
7. Massett H, Parreco LK, Padberg RM, Richmond ES, Rienzo, ME, Ryan Leonard CE, Quesenbery W, Killam HW, Johnson, and Dilts DM (2011) “AccrualNet: Addressing low accrual via a knowledge-based, community of practice Platform,” J of Oncology Practice, 7(6): e32-e39. PMID:22379429.
8. Menda, R, and Dilts DM, (1997) “The Manufacturing Strategy Formulation Process: Linking Multifunctional Viewpoints,” J of Operations Management, 15(4): 223-41.
9. Dilts DM, Boyd N, and Whorms H, (1991) “The Evolution of Control Architectures for Automated Manufacturing Systems,” J of Manufacturing Systems, 10(1): 79-93.
10. Miles, Paul, Bingham, J, and Dilts DM (2002) “Research as a quality improvement activity,” Letter to Editor JAMA, Feb 20; 287(7): 843-4. PMID: 11851572
11. Belser, Duncan and Dilts DM (2004) “A Research-Based Approach to Investment Decisions in Healthcare Information Technology: The VCBH ROI Model,” DSI National Meeting (November).
12. CCR Strategy Development
13. CCR Organizational Redesign
14. NICHD Intramural Program Organizational Redesign
15. COG Organizational Redesign
16. Behringer B, Omohundro E, Boswell D, Evans D and Ferranti L. The Tennessee Department of Health WORKshops on the Use of Secondary Data for Community Health Assessment, 2012. Preventing Chronic Disease. (2014). 11:130206. DOI: